Welcome to the

Seeing in the Dark

A dive into;

The Mysteries of
Purpose, Power, Ritual
and Intuition.

Welcome to the Seeing in the Dark Podcast.

The podcast for the Women of the Ancient Futures.
Women that see beyond eyes & know beyond mind and are here to make a change from a deep communion with the Mystery of life.


Seeing in the dark is about walking paths that have not been walked before and daring to show up for the mission & dream-life that is knocking on your door.


My name is Nicole Nyima Costerus, Mystic, Medium, initiated Priestess and here to take you into the mysteries of Purpose, Power, Ritual & Intuition. 


May you embody your Unique Essence so deeply, that your vibration naturally teaches, assists and inspires others." 

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Welcome Gift: Meet your most Free & Alive self -

Guided visualisation & activation

🖤 A powerful guided meditation to connect to your most free & alive self.
🖤 Receive inspiration, support & guidance from Her.
🖤 Return to a deep connection with the potential that lives inside of you.