We are the Women of the Ancient Futures
We weave Ancient Wisdom into today's modern times.
We are Intuitive,
Soul-Based Leaders who live & work from a deep communion with the Mystery.
We embody our Essence & Purpose and through that,
set the vibration of the New World.
Hi, I'm Nicole Nyima,
I have a deep love for ancient traditions and studied with a wide variety of them all over the world;
From Evidential mediumship in the UK and Netherlands to Temple Arts in India & Finland to a Master Plant dieta in the Amazonian jungle with the Yawanawa people, to priestess Initiations in West Africa Benin, spending 26 days by myself in complete darkness in dark retreats in Mexico and many many more.Â
I believe Ancient Traditions hold the keys to a new way of living and leading. One that is in harmony with Nature, Spirits, Ritual, Intuition and Mysticism.Â
In my ideal world, I see a world filled with Deeply Intuitive, Soul-Based Leaders. Women who are here to bring back ancient knowledge & wisdom and that's what I teach in the school.Â
Is it possible to have a world with so many leaders, you might wonder. My answer? YES! Why? Because Soul-Based Leaders are moved and guided by the One force that is Life itself. This Life-Force invites us onto the non linear path, an intelligence that goes beyond our logical mind. This is the path that moves us through the pulse of our Intuition, Inner Guidance, Synchronicities and Magic.
I support you to connect to the Joy of your Life & The heart of your Mission and the Soul of your Business, so you can live & work from a deep communion with the Mystery.
"Embody your unique Essence so deeply that your vibration naturally inspires, teaches & assists others."
Here at Women of Ancient Futures
you can study mystic arts for your
personal & professional life..
Crystallize your Intuition, Mediumship & Psychic Abilities
Remember your inherent intuitive nature and weave your intuitive gifts into your mission.Â
Discover the power of ritual & ceremony.
Embody your Greatness, Purpose, Power & Leadership
Embody your own Unique Essence so deeply that your vibration naturally inspires, teaches & assists others. Build & expand your business from a place of Soul.Â
Become a Clear Channel of The Mystery
So that the wildness of your Soul can be set free on this planet.
So you can truly be of service to the one mission that wants to come through you.Â
Check out the Seeing in the Dark Podcast
Put yourself on the altar of something Greater and say;
'Sing through me,
Dance through me.
This is the kiss
you've been waiting for.'
- Bruce Lyon
What is a Soul-Based Leader?
Someone embodying their own Unique Essence so deeply that their vibration naturally inspires, teaches & assists others.
Find out more in the video below.
A Sneak peek into the High Priestess Temple Day;
"A prayer with 100 women" in Amsterdam
International Women's Day with the theme;
"Taking Down the Mask of the Good Girl"
"Live and Work from a deep communion with the Mystery."
Make the shift from moving to
being moved by something deeper."
What others are saying..
Lisanne Rentier (NL)
Being here really gave me the space to feel myself again and to sink deeper down in my body. I feels so so inspired by Nicole, by how she embodies everything so deeply. I can see that she feels so precisely into everything she says and that she can tune so deeply into everything that is present. Really really inspiring.
Mahi Davide (NL)
This has been life changing for me. I feel strengthened in being a woman. I feel the power and the softness I hold. Nicole really gave us the tools to go out in the world and stand on our own 2 feet and this is priceless.
Antonia Grunwald (DE)
The thing I'm appreciating the most about Nicole is how she is really aware of sisterhood and how she facilitates sisterhood. That is such a gift. She is really empowering us, to find our own way. I feel that whoever I am, whoever I choose to be, I can still have her as my teacher and she will still be right there with me. I really like that about her. For me she is a great gift.
More about Me
The deepest journey's I ever took in my life were during my individual dark retreats in Mazunte, Mexico. These 12, 7, 5 & 2 days and nights in complete darkness by myself, brought me in connection to an inner wisdom that no one else could have taught me. These 26 days have been the deepest homecoming journey's of my Life.
I went through 2 priestess initiations in Benin, West Africa. A deep homecoming in my maternal roots. The indigenous tradition of West-Africa holds lots of Love, Power and Connection to Nature and Spirits. Ceremony, Ritual, Herbalism, Mythology and Prayer are some of the key elements in this tradition.Â
This is me with my partner Nemanja Sonero and our daughter Sade Rue. Nemanja and I met on Instagram in 2018, 1 year after I created a very precise vision of the relationship I wanted to call into my life. So many crazy synchronicities brought us to where we are today in our beautiful family.
I love studying ancient & indigenous cultures. I, for example, lived with the Yawanawa tribe in the Brazilian Amazon for 1 month. Studying plant medicine, sacred chants and ceremony in a place where nature is still in charge. This is 1 example of the many indigenous & ancient ways of living I've experienced.Â
Come and join the Instagram community
with daily transmissions on Intuitive Gifts, Ritual, Soul-Based Leadership, Purpose and
living & working in deep connection with the Mystery.
My Initiations & Certifications
Brandon Bays – certified Journey therapist - NL & Germany
Jose Gosschalk – 3 year evidential mediumship training in the Netherlands
- Evidential Mediumship training - Arthur findlay college - Stansted UK
- 8 day Vodou initiation in Benin, West Africa.Â
- 1 month Vodou Priestess Initiation in Benin, West - Africa.
- 4 week Hoodoo Ritual Training with vodou priestess Miala Doche
Pema Gitama – Yeartraining Wild Tantra in the Netherlands
- The Temple Training - Highden mysterieschool by Bruce Lyon - 2x 6 weeks Soul Initiation Training Ray 1.7 (online) and Ray 2.1 (at Nikkila Temple Finland)
Bentinho Massaro – Trinfinity Academy & Bentinhomassaro.tv
- 12, 7 and 5 day individual dark retreats in Mazunte, Mexico
John of God – 6 week deep Spirit healing work in Abadiania, Brazil
30 day Traditional Yawanawa Seja dieta in Brazilian Amazon forest
- Zola Dubnikova – 2 month holistic dance language mysterieschool in Arambol, India
- Christian Pankhurst – Heart IQ Circle facilitation, Netherlands
Authentic relating training International - Jason W. Digges, Netherlands & Germany
10 day and 100 hour Vipassana silence meditation – Dharamsala, India
- Tera Mai Seichem initiation level 1 & 2
- RaMu Egyptian healing initiation level 1, 2 & 3
Dynamic Art coaching – yeartraining Kleine Tiki - NL
Bodywork & Massage - yeartraining - NLÂ