#14 Life and Business, the Non-linear way

authenticity feminine mysteries purpose soul based business soul leadership Aug 12, 2022




As I reflected on the 'business model' that brought me true and lasting success in the last couple of years, I realised that there simply is not 1 way, 1 path that always works for soul-led entrepeneurs, especially for those that blend multiple modalities in their work and are leading (or want to lead) from their own unique voice.

So how did my business become so successful?

In this episode I share all about the non-linear path that continuously asked me trust, to follow my intuition towards where I am today. I am also sharing multiple ways in which you are invited to trust how life & the Mystery guides you further onto your unique path.


MASTERMIND: YOU ARE A SOUL LEADER 👉🏽 The 6 month Soul Emergence & Business Mastermind kicks off in September 2022. Let the Mystery be your Strategy, birth your business from the inside out, dare to stand with your message and access your next level in Leadership, Power and Money.







Welcome gift to Meet your Higher Self 

Guided visualisation & activation

🖤 A powerful guided meditation to connect with your Higher Self.
🖤 Receive inspiration, support & guidance from Her.
🖤 Return to a deep connection with the potential that lives inside of you.

This meditation helped me to attract;

🙏🏾 a location independent lifestyle, with lots of traveling.
🙏🏾 a conscious loving relationship with an amazing man.
🙏🏾 a beautiful community of like hearted friends.
🙏🏾 a deeply aligned blossoming 6+ figure soul business
🙏🏾 a mission that supports thousands of women each year.
🙏🏾 and most of all it opened me into the embodiment of my most Free & Alive Self. 

Over 4000 women have gone through this meditation.

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receive direct access and meet your most free & Alive Self now!