#40 - The Space Between β€œWhat Has Been” and β€œThe Next” - Liminality with Sia Hu Heka

liminality Mar 17, 2023



In the last five to six months, I find myself being in a place of unknown. It’s this feeling where I feel like a part of me is dying, and at the same time a part of me is calming down. And so for this episode, we are going to unpack the layers of being in this space of in-between or what we call the liminal space.


In this conversation, I invited Sia Hu Heka, a dear friend of mine who is a midwife of the soul, priestess & somatic educator to talk about the concept of liminality and her experience as she goes through this space herself. We talk about what it means to be in the liminal space and the ways on how you can navigate it when you find yourself being in the in-between as well.


If this is a topic that also resonates with you, then join us in our conversation and learn from Sia’s brilliant insights.


Connect with Sia at www.siahuheka.com

Join her next in-person retreat on May 22 to 26 here:  https://www.siahuheka.com/priestess-retreat

And sign up for The 4 Archetypes online course at: https://www.siahuheka.com/temple-of-the-4-archetypes-wholeness


Sign up for the You Are Intuition 10-week Certification Training:

This is a 10-week certification to become a psychic practitioner and utilise psychic readings with your future clients. Click the link below to get direct access to the 4 self-paced preparation trainings: https://www.womenofancientfutures.com/you-are-intuition






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