#53 Mysteries of the Womb & Rites of Passage with RaΓ­s Scarton

feminine mysteries mysteries of the womb mysticism rites of passage rituals rythm of the womb Jul 02, 2023




In this week's episode Raís takes us into the Mysteries of the womb and the power of rites of passage. She shares about ways to connect to the rhythm of our wombs, which is a very different rhythm than the mind or the heart.

Raís Scarton is Mother of Nehru, living in Bahia- Brasil, serving the community as Doula. She is witnessing with honor the arrival of the new generation, a mysterious path of Birth. She is a guardian of ancestral and medicinal knowledge: rituals, practices and windows of the Earth.

Raís is an artist and researcher of body movement and art expression. She investigates performative practices, medicine movement and butoh dance as the poetic root that inspires her body-art project called An.danza.


Find out more about Raís and her work on her website:


Connect with her on Instagram:



Checkout these related episodes: 

#11 - Drinking Your Menstrual Blood and Other Witchery

#50 - The Spirit of Plants & Herbs with Danielle Sawan



Last chance to join Rites of Passage - 4 week initiation into rituals & ceremonies that create deep transformation in your personal and professional life.

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