#11 Drinking your menstrual blood and other witchery

authenticity feminine mysteries freedom mysteries of the womb purpose the dark Apr 23, 2022

An interview came out with a dear sister in the work, Jasmine Alicia Carter, in the Daily Mail UK. It's about a topic that sparked lots of inspiration & support and also stirred up negativity, judgement and rejection.

In this episode of Seeing In The Dark, I go into conversation with Jasmine Alicia Carter, Period Artist and sacred feminine embodiment mentor.

In the first part we talk about the taboos around menstrual blood and ways on how to re-connect with the sacredness of your menstruation and cycle.

In the second part we tap into what it means to be a rebel and stand with your message, also if not everyone agrees with you. In other words - When you stand for something that part of the world is deeply inspired by and part of the world isn't ready for.




00:50 - Introduction
02:00 - The article in the Daily Mail
03:45 - Why does Jasmine work with menstrual blood?
09:51 - The gift of connecting to your menstrual blood
11:00 - Temples of periods
12:53 - Taboos around menstruation 
16:28 - Ways to connect with your own blood
19:45 - Biology of the period
23:35 - Nicole's experience with reconnecting to her blood
25:50 - Ways to bleed
27:25 - Standing with your message, also when others feel triggered
34:10 - Marrying or abandoning your mission
36:25 - From an activist that fights against to a change-maker that lives the new, like the old never even existed.
46:05 - A message for the rebels, change makers and revolutionaries



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