#73 How We Handle Conflict with Nemanja Sonero

consciousrelating handling conflict Dec 24, 2023




We did a poll on Instagram to ask what you would like to know about our relationship. The response was overwhelming, and one topic stood out: πŸ‘‰πŸΎ Conflict! How do we handle it?


It's no secret that conflict is a part of every relationship. It can be a struggle for many, and if not handled properly, it can lead to relationships ending or the love and aliveness being drained out of them. Based on our experience in the last 5 years together, we learned the power of understanding how to argue in a way that is constructive rather than destructive, and we would love to share these learnings with you. 


How to argue less, shorter and better has been our main question on this learning path. 


And so for this episode, I get to sit down with my partner, Nemanja and share with you the four agreements we've made to prevent conflict, as well as the five ways we use to resolve conflict when it does arise. We also share examples on how we apply these agreements and strategies into our relationship and why setting this foundation works for us. Because in the 5 years that we have been together, we learned that there's nothing wrong with arguing. In fact, you can learn to be much better in handling it which will really help you and your relationships grow!


So be sure to tune in and take with you whatever can support you in your relationships. May this episode inspire you to not avoid conflicts, but to be better at facing them. Let’s dive in! 




#20 This is How We Met: 4 tips to make Space for a Deeply Aligned Relationship & 9 Ways to Take Care of the Connection







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