#20 This is How We Met: 4 tips to make Space for a Deeply Aligned Relationship & 9 Ways to Take Care of the Connection

consciousrelating masculine&feminine strongindependentwoman Sep 23, 2022





Reflecting on how we came onto each other’s paths, me and my partner Nemanja Sonero almost passed each other by if we had made even one tiny decision differently leading up to the day I walked into his class.

In this week’s episode, I invited my partner in life, love and companionship to sit besides me as we share some deep moments of learning, growing and bonding, both on the individual level as well as in a team. In the second half of the episode we share some lived and learned tips on how to continue nourishing a fulfilling relationship.






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🙏🏾 a location independent lifestyle, with lots of traveling.
🙏🏾 a conscious loving relationship with an amazing man.
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🙏🏾 a deeply aligned blossoming 6+ figure soul business
🙏🏾 a mission that supports thousands of women each year.
🙏🏾 and most of all it opened me into the embodiment of my most Free & Alive Self. 

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