#80 The Art of Cyclical Embodiment with Jasmine Alicia Carter

Mar 10, 2024






Surrender your way to success through your body’s cycles 


In this week’s episode, Jasmine Alicia Carter shares a very valuable presentation where she shares the art of staying connected to your cyclical nature. She shares how exploring your body’s cycles helps you not get lost in an overly masculine culture. She talks about how listening to your body and aligning with your bodies’ ebbs and flows, we can bring your leadership to a whole new level. So, listen in to discover how your cycles can support you and how you can empower yourself to truly live and create the life that you want with the power of your body. 


About Jasmine Alicia Carter


Jasmine Alicia Carter is a Menstrual Artist & Sacred Feminine Empowerment Mentor devoted to empowering and educating women to reclaim their true feminine nature, embody their menstrual cycles and heal their sexuality. Her favorite way to express the feminine wisdom is drawing with her period blood, a sacred art that changed her life in 2016 and that today is spreading across the globe through the Menstrual Art Movement. She is also the owner of Sacress Shop, a boutique where she offers luxurious tools for a juicy empowerment journey!


Checkout here freebie in this link: https://sacredwoman.com/

And learn more about her work on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jasminealiciacarter/

P.S. She Who Stands for A New World. This online retreat brings you 20+ conscious entrepreneurs, business oracles, revolutionaries, coaches, astrologers, sacred dance teachers, artists, visionaries, and mystery keepers that provide an immersion into the core your essence, the heart of your mission and the Soul of your business.

Over 3000 women have gone through this retreat! You can purchase lifetime access to over 20 masterclasses for only 47 euro.

Find out more and get the collected Masterclasses here:





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