#88 I open a school of Mystic Arts

business growth finding your purpose mediumship mysticism psychicabilities Jun 02, 2024



In this episode, I have some super exciting news to share with you all! It's like a dream come true for me—a dream that started as a tiny seed. A few years back, I made this vision board on Pinterest, not really thinking it would change my life. But fast forward to today, I am now recording a podcast episode where I will be announcing how this vision, this dream is finally turning into a reality. 


So this episode is not only an exciting announcement from me about a big dream that has come true. It's also a testimony of dreams coming true and the possibility and the probability of that. Make sure to listen until the end to hear about the big announcement! 


P.S. Sign up for the waitlist Mystic Medium Year-training start Autumn 2024! 

Soon registration opens for the Mystic Medium year-training. A year of studying, learning and developing Mediumship, psychic abilities, dream translation and rituals & ceremonies for deep transformation for your personal & professional life.

This year’s Mystic Medium will be in 2 groups. An online group and an in-person group in the area of Amsterdam Netherlands. So if you’re ready for a year-training into the Mystic Arts for your personal & professional Life, then sign up for the waitlist and be the first to receive a special offer when the doors open! We Start Autumn 2024. 

Sign up here!






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πŸ™πŸΎ a mission that supports thousands of women each year.
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