Almost 60 women have joined the waitlist already. You can still join and be the first to receive a special offer when the doors open!!!

Sign up for the waitlist Mystic Medium Year-training start Autumn 2024. 

A comprehensive Year-training into the Mystic Arts for your personal & professional Life. 

Mediumship, Psychic Readings, Dream translation and Rituals & Ceremonies for deep transformation.

Mystic Medium 

Start Autumn 2024

Year-training into the Mystic Arts for your personal & professional Life. 
Mediumship - Psychic Readings - Dreams - Rituals - Ceremony.

🪄 Find a deep trust in your intuition.
🪄  Train & develop the potential of your Mediumship & Psychic Readings .
🪄 Transmute (over-)sensitivity into your Superpower and no longer feel doubt, fear or overwhelm by the emotions & energies you pick up on.
🪄 Anchor into an unshakable confidence in the messages you receive. 
🪄 Learn to give professional psychic readings to your (future) clients.  
🪄 Learn to give readings with loved ones in spirit. 
🪄 Cultivate a deep connection with the spirit world and discover a world of unconditional love & support.
🪄 Learn rituals & Ceremonies for deep transformation for yourself & others. 
🪄 Learn to translate the hidden messages in (your) dreams
🪄 Train and consciously use your psychic senses;
CLAIRVOYANCE (psychic seeing),
CLAIRAUDIENCE (psychic hearing),
CLAIRSENTIENCE (psychic feeling),
CLAIRCOGNIZANCE (psychic knowing),
CLAIRGUSTANCE (psychic tasting),
CLAIRALIENCE (psychic smelling). 
So you can master the language that energy speaks.
🪄 Weave your intuitive gifts into your work as a coach, bodyworker, healer, writer, singer, dancer, soul-based leader or facilitator. So your intuitive potential can truly be of service to the world.  
* No previous experience is needed for this year training. Everyone can develop this.

What students say about training Mediumship, Psychic Abilities & Mysticism with Nicole

Angelica Ancelorum

What a beautiful journey this training.
So much love, clarity, protection and trust came my way. I can say that I found my passion that I can turn into purpose, combining it with my visionary art. I'm already curious about the magic that wants to unfold. Thank you so much Nicole for your generosity, loving and playful energy and teachings.

Aparna Vemula

I love the way Nicole holds space and delivers the teaching in a kind, grounded manner. It helped me build my self-confidence, fine- tune my intuitive skills as well as help me deepen my connection to the Spirit realm. I feel more trustful of my own abilities and it has offered me a new direction to proceed further within my own business. I highly recommend the training!

Gosia Pliszczynska

The training brought me more than I've expected. What in the beginning felt like vague reading exercises (due to not fully knowing the subject) transformed into excited readings with unexpected/hard to believe results. My self-trust made a high jump with olympic records. The hidden became unhidden on personal and professional level. It's been a life changing experience - thank you so much Nicole!

We Start Autumn 2024

This year will have 2 groups. An online group and an in-person group in the area of Amsterdam Netherlands.

More students and their experience of training Mediumship, Psychic Abilities & Mysticism with Nicole

Nikki Whitehead

This training has been so profound and beautiful. I went through big themes of trusting myself, believing in myself, allowing myself to play and loving myself when I make mistakes. This training was a beautiful gift I gave myself. I was able to improve and practice my psychic abilities in a safe container with loving Nicole as my guidance!

Amy Jean Carter

For all women out there who are interested in using your intuitive and psychic gifts to aide yourself, and others, in healing and transformation, I highly recommend Nicole's programs. It will help you step in to your gifts and abilities more powerfully, and be able to apply them with your clients. It has helped me take the next steps in building my on-line business and trusting my own intuition in all my life decisions along the way. Much love :)

Jade Zoe

I have to finish this by praising and giving thanks to Nicole for creating a safe space for us all, for building a beautifully structured container to play, experiment, discover and practice in. For her open, sparkly and calming energy and her enthusiasm with which we she roots for each one of us. For the kind of no-nonsense style of teaching, allowing us to really learn to lean on and trust our own way of Being (sensing, receiving, reading etc), rather than following or imitating someone or something else outside of ourselves. And of course for the Love that she radiates!

Be the first to receive a special offer when the doors open!!!

Sign up for the waitlist Mystic Medium Year-training start Autumn 2024. 

A comprehensive Year-training into the Mystic Arts for your personal & professional Life. 

Mediumship, Psychic Readings, Dream translation and Rituals & Ceremonies for deep transformation.


50% Complete

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