#86 Psychic Connection with My Unborn Daughter

mediumship motherhood psychicabilities May 19, 2024



In this episode, I’m excited to share about the moments of connection I’ve shared with my daughter 5 years before she was born. I’ll be sharing about how I knew that I was going to have a daughter in this lifetime, and how I was able to start connecting with her years before I had the chance to hold her in my arms.


So tune in and join me in this conversation! 

Check out this episode: 

12 Days and Nights in Complete Darkness


PS. Sign up for the waitlist Mystic Medium Year-training start Autumn 2024 is now open! 

This year’s Mystic Medium will be in 2 groups. An online group and an in-person group in the area of Amsterdam Netherlands.So if you’re ready for a year-training into the Mystic Arts for your personal & professional Life, then sign up for the waitlist and be the first to receive a special offer when the doors open! We Start Autumn 2024. 

Sign up here






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