#84 Money as Your Lover with Sophie Josephina
Apr 14, 2024
What does your relationship with money look like?
This week's episode features my conversation with Sophie Josephina about money as your lover, dropping to your knees for Sky Daddy, and having a human-as-f*ck business. I really love how she approaches her business like a relationship and brings a flirtatious energy to her connection with money, as if it's her lover. I’m super excited to invite you to dive into this open, raw, and engaging conversation with us!
More about Sophie Josephina
Sophie Josephina is a sex & relating coach and masculine/feminine expert. As an ex data scientist, she knows how to walk both worlds, walking the bridge between tantra and neuroscience, the masculine and the feminine, the dark and the light. She leads powerful programs for men (The Initiation), women (Healing the Masculine) and business (Deep Money & Claim(ed)).
She also hosts a podcast (Deeper with Sophie Josephina) where she has open and raw conversations with men on their challenge and desires in relating.
Check out more about Sophie via her Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sophie.josephina/ or her website: www.sophiejosephina.com
P.S. She Who Stands for A New World. This online retreat brings you 20+ conscious entrepreneurs, business oracles, revolutionaries, coaches, astrologers, sacred dance teachers, artists, visionaries, and mystery keepers that provide an immersion into the core your essence, the heart of your mission and the Soul of your business.
Over 3000 women have gone through this retreat! You can purchase lifetime access to over 20 masterclasses for only 47 euro.
Find out more and get the collected Masterclasses here:
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