#82 Pleasure Powered Business with Aida Lucie

selfcare soul based business Mar 24, 2024



This week’s episode features a presentation from Aida Lucie where she dives deep into experiencing your business from a place of pleasure and nourishment, so that you can show up more fully in the world. 


In this conversation, you will learn how to intentionally create your business to be in line with your values, desires, and lifestyle, treating it as an entity with which you have an intimate relationship. You will also learn how feeling safe, being attuned to your body, sensations, and emotions, and being yourself would help you experience more pleasure both in the bedroom and your business. So, tune in to discover and liberate the sensual secrets of your body to help deepen your relationship with your business.

More About Aida Lucie 

Aida Lucie is a holistic intimacy coach specializing in female pleasure & sexuality. She’s here to help women discover the power of their sexuality and orgasmic potential. She’s a strong believer that Bliss is your Birthright (and your inherent nature), and her mission is to guide & empower women all around the world to discover and liberate the sensual secrets of their bodies.

You can learn more about Aida via her website  https://www.aidalucie.com

CLICK HERE to claim Aida’s free gift!


PS. This episode is one of the interviews & workshop of the Global online retreat She Who Stands for A New World.

This online retreat brings you 20+ conscious entrepreneurs, business oracles, revolutionaries, coaches, astrologers, sacred dance teachers, artists, visionaries, and mystery keepers that provide an immersion into the core your essence, the heart of your mission and the Soul of your business.

Over 3000 women have gone through this retreat! You can purchase lifetime access to over 20 masterclasses for only 47 euro.

Find out more and get the collected Masterclasses here:






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