#35 - 6 Gateways into your Full Power & Leadership

money power soul based business soul leadership Jan 15, 2023





Explaining our teachings and philosophies is a big part of imparting leadership. But I believe that the new way of leading is through fully embodying your essence and becoming a walking transmission of your gifts and your lessons.


In this episode, I will be sharing the 6 gateways that have helped me and 60 other women who have gone through my Leadership and Business mastermind, to embody their essence so deeply that their vibration naturally teaches others. These 6 gateways have helped them continuously dive deeper in themselves and in their power and leadership.


And I want to extend these gateways with you.


Sign up for the You Are a Soul Leader Business Mastermind

Mastermind starts on 9 March 2023! And if you sign up before 26 January, you will receive 2 bonus calls before the mastermind starts + direct access to the online courses






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Welcome gift to Meet your Higher Self 

Guided visualisation & activation

πŸ–€ A powerful guided meditation to connect with your Higher Self.
πŸ–€ Receive inspiration, support & guidance from Her.
πŸ–€ Return to a deep connection with the potential that lives inside of you.

This meditation helped me to attract;

πŸ™πŸΎ a location independent lifestyle, with lots of traveling.
πŸ™πŸΎ a conscious loving relationship with an amazing man.
πŸ™πŸΎ a beautiful community of like hearted friends.
πŸ™πŸΎ a deeply aligned blossoming 6+ figure soul business
πŸ™πŸΎ a mission that supports thousands of women each year.
πŸ™πŸΎ and most of all it opened me into the embodiment of my most Free & Alive Self. 

Over 4000 women have gone through this meditation.

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