Self Paced Programs

Channeling Your Higher Self - 6 weeksĀ 

A 6 week Journey to embody your higher self, access the Heart of your Mission and naturally attract a life beyond your wildest dreams.Ā Develop a deep connection with your Higher Self and cultivateĀ the courage to walk in the footsteps of her guidance.Ā 

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The Sacred Art of Receiving More Money - 3 hour training

This 3 hour intensive takes you on a journey to discover the secrets to heal your relationship with money and naturally open your "money receiving floodgates".

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She Who Stands for A New World:
The Collected Masterclasses

This online retreat brings you 20+ conscious entrepreneurs, business oracles, revolutionaries, coaches, astrologers, sacred dance teachers, artists, visionaries, and mystery keepers that provide an immersion into the core your essence, the heart of your mission and the Soul of your business.

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