The Sacred Art of Receiving More Money

💸 Feel safe & worthy of having the money you desire.

💸 Trust your desires as a compass in Life. 

💸 Shift your beliefs in order to call in the money that you want over and over again.

💸 Release any limitation, so you become a match to larger (and larger) amounts of money.

💸 Feel certainty and clarity around the next steps to take towards more money coming your way. 

💸 Shift from strong & independent into powerfully surrendered. 

 💸 Discover 1 powerful key to abundance in income flow as well as saving money.

💸 Drop into your receptive energy so you can discover the art of truly RECEIVING 🖤


You have lifetime access to this self study training in the online portal!

Yes, I want this!

The money you attract is a reflection of how much you allow it into your experience. 

Here's what we'll go into:

Turn not enough-ness into availability for what already wants to come your way

Discover and release your limiting (and beautiful) beliefs that hold you back from living your full money-potential. 


Reconnect back to connection, surrender and trust. 


Find safety in relationship with money and with Life. 

Get all of you on board with your money desires. 


Learn what it means to Truly Embody the art of Receiving Money.  

Yes, I'm ready to truly receive!

Susan L.  

'It was very sentimental & powerful for me, I gained trust again that it is possible to make my dreams become reality again - thank you very much!


Kathryn C.

'I feel joyous for this life.. and all the experiences to come, all the ups & downs. Feeling rested back & trusting. It was deep to get my inner girl on board, to take the time to hear her. And meeting money as a human & realizing all I've projected on It...'


Bea D.  

'I realised that I've been relating to money how I've been relating to people - always some mistrust, fear & shyness in the background.. huge insight'


When you feel safe within yourself, it's very easy to attract more money into your experience. 

My name is Nicole Nyima,

You might see the title of this training and go: "Receiving Money? 😬 a Sacred Art?" 😵‍💫. If that's not your response, it was definitely mine until 2020.

Before the year of 2020, I've gone through many different relationships with money. I've known times I was:


😵‍💫 Not having the money to do groceries.
😵‍💫 Not having any sign ups for my program or sessions.
😵‍💫 Having 1 or 2 sign ups and feeling the despair of not knowing if this will ever work out. 
😵‍💫 Feeling I would never be able to generate the income I longed for and forever be stuck in a job I didn't like. 


I could feel needy, insecure and in deep despair in my relationship with money. 


And even through I stabilised into making 2k months in my business from 2018 👉🏽 I was feeling a deeper desire knocking on my door;

A desire to really open the money attracting floodgates, so I could be of service from a massive overflow, so I could create and support amazing projects, pay my team well, change the money system from the inside out and co-create a  world in which everything is possible!



What I did not know back then was that:

😬 My strong independent woman was blocking me from receiving.
😬 My limiting beliefs around money were shaping my reality about it. 
😬 My beautiful beliefs around money were creating a glass ceiling I couldn't see, but very much feel.
I wasn't feeling safe, worthy, confident or in trust with this being called MONEY. 

Some parts of me were simply not on board with the desire that was presenting itself.



Since I turned towards money, my life changed drastically!!! 

Since the moment I decided to turn towards money, heal my relationship with it and to truly learn to love this being called money, My life changed drastically!!!!

I went from making zero and being on government support the first 5 months of 2020 to almost passing my first 6 figure year within 7 months in the rest of 2020 (92K), to than double that in 2021 and 2022 to 200K. This means that Women of Ancient Futures is now a stable multiple 6 figure business with a team of 5 including myself. We continue to grow and expand as I learn to deepen the art of truly receiving more money.


There are some very potent things I discovered on the way of this money journey and I would love to teach & share them with you in this in-depth intensive. 

Yess! I am so in!

In this 3 hour training, I teach you the most powerful secrets that shifted me from
2k months to 200K years, within 1,5 years.

The sacred art of receiving more money

A 3 hour self study intensive to discovery the secrets to healing your relationship with money and naturally open your "money attracting floodgates"

🖤 Price 197 🖤


🖤 As you are signing up and paying the money, let it be you, declaring a new beginning in your relationship with money. 
Let it be a sign of your love, dedication and devotion to deepen the connection with this so often completely misunderstood friend called Money. 🖤


You have lifetime access to this training in the online portal!

I am ready 🖤

Making more money is not about doing more, it's about making space to TRULY RECEIVE.

The deeper your ability to receive, the more money will flow into your experience.