#01 Leadership in Women - Workshop to Live the Fullness of Your Purpose

purpose soul based business soul leadership Jan 13, 2021


Now more than ever, it is time for women to stop being afraid of their own power, gifts and leadership. In this very first episode and workshop of Nicole Costerus “Seeing in the Dark”  podcast, we get acquainted with the pivotal points in Nicole’s journey of stepping into her power, which by now, has supported hundreds of women to do the same.

This episode closes with a guided meditation; "Melting into your most free and alive self." => This meditation guides you into a meeting with a parallel version of you that is already deeply embodying her core qualities and can offer a transmission on the next evolution of who you are becoming.


Listen to the episode:

Watch the episode:

 Are you joining us on the new wave of soul-based leadership?


00:35 - Introduction

01:40 - What is Soul Leadership?

05:09 - Inward Cycle of 2020 - What has it brought you?

08:14 - Surrendering to Aliveness

10:19 - The 3 Gatekeepers that hold us back

12:10 - Stepping out of society’s ‘normal’

12:55 - Death allows for rebirth

15:13 - Discomfort and reformation during descending into leadership

19:10 - The feminine unfoldment of visions

22:20 - (R)Evolution of our dream

23:50 - Letting go of what no longer serves

27:42 - Choosing heartbreak over suffering

30:05 - A life of ebb and flow

31:19 - Out of mind, into heart

34:07- Meditation: Most Free and Alive Self

44:05 - Groupshare

52:00 - Coming out fully

52:40 - Downloading & Journaling the Most Free and Alive Self



Welcome gift to Meet your Higher Self 

Guided visualisation & activation

🖤 A powerful guided meditation to connect with your Higher Self.
🖤 Receive inspiration, support & guidance from Her.
🖤 Return to a deep connection with the potential that lives inside of you.

This meditation helped me to attract;

🙏🏾 a location independent lifestyle, with lots of traveling.
🙏🏾 a conscious loving relationship with an amazing man.
🙏🏾 a beautiful community of like hearted friends.
🙏🏾 a deeply aligned blossoming 6+ figure soul business
🙏🏾 a mission that supports thousands of women each year.
🙏🏾 and most of all it opened me into the embodiment of my most Free & Alive Self. 

Over 4000 women have gone through this meditation.

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receive direct access and meet your most free & Alive Self now!