#52 The Power of Ritual Baths & Ceremonial Washings with Mystery An’Ahá

ceremonial washings ritual baths rituals selfcare Jun 25, 2023



Mystery An’Ahá is an earth medicine keeper, curandera, ritualist and a mystic guide. Her work is a unique fusion of South American shamanism, curanderismo, rite or passages, somatic temples, celestial transmissions and inviting deep remembrance beyond the veils. She also holds sacred medicine initiation journeys dedicated to revealing the heart’s medicine and the ancient prayers of spirit.

In this episode, you will hear us talk about Mystery’s journey with the ceremonial washings and the ritual bathings, how a ritual wash is a normal aspect of life and that it’s a practice to keep your spiritual hygiene, and the simple ways on how you can start your own journey with ceremonial washings as well. 


You can find Mystery and her work on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mysteryanaha/

And be sure to subscribe to her newsletter and be up to date with her retreats and other announcements via

[email protected]



Dive deep into making your own ritual baths and join Nicole & Sia in their brand new offer RITES OF PASSAGE. 8 DAYS LEFT TO JOIN!
A 4 week online initiation to learn ritual & ceremonies, that create deep transformation in your personal & professional life.

🪄 Learn to use Ritual & Ceremony during important transitions in your life.
🪄 Implement the power of Ritual in your Personal & Professional Life, so you can support yourself, your (future) clients, community, friends & children.
🪄 Discover how to combine Ancient Rituals, that are carried in tradition, together with the power of your own intuitive guidance & wisdom.
🪄 Learn to create your own ritual baths, intention oils & candle magic..
And sooo much more

Find out more & register here.



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