#05 The Power of Your Voice & Message

authenticity purpose soul based business soul leadership voice Feb 17, 2021

If I told you that there is something within each of us that has the power to alchemize, to transform near anything we set our mind to. Would you believe me?

The power of our voice is one that we don't often think about, yet when we become aware of its' impact, it's qualities and strengths - we just might find that it is the instrument that can truly kickstart our soul's message for this world.




01:02 - Introduction to Jennifer Ann
02:22 - Labeling as Medicine Singer / Songwriter
06:19 - Starting to sing through insecurity
09:30 - Comfortable with our own voice
14:29 - From healing yourself to sharing yourself
16:21 - The power behind the voice
19:16 - Choosing ourselves
22:04 - Soul-based leadership
23:48 - Everyone stepping into their unique fulfillment
28:00 - New leadership and the undoing of old structures
29:45 - The coming unknown
31:30 - Singing as a tool for dealing & connecting with life
36:19 - Daily practice & current offerings
42:40 - Closing song

MASTERCLASS: THE SOUL OF YOUR BUSINESS https://www.womenofancientfutures.com/connect-to-the-soul-of-your-business

Jennifer Ann is a Meditative Singer Song Writer from Holland/USA with her roots in mantra and medicine music. Her voice is soulful and warm and her fans describe it as a mothers embrace. She is currently working on her fully crowdfunded album: 'We Are The Ancestors'.





Welcome gift to Meet your Higher Self 

Guided visualisation & activation

🖤 A powerful guided meditation to connect with your Higher Self.
🖤 Receive inspiration, support & guidance from Her.
🖤 Return to a deep connection with the potential that lives inside of you.

This meditation helped me to attract;

🙏🏾 a location independent lifestyle, with lots of traveling.
🙏🏾 a conscious loving relationship with an amazing man.
🙏🏾 a beautiful community of like hearted friends.
🙏🏾 a deeply aligned blossoming 6+ figure soul business
🙏🏾 a mission that supports thousands of women each year.
🙏🏾 and most of all it opened me into the embodiment of my most Free & Alive Self. 

Over 4000 women have gone through this meditation.

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