#56 New Age vs. Jesus with Imaya Sabine
Aug 20, 2023
Have you heard about the movement “From New Age to Jesus”?
I first found testimonies on YouTube from all the people all over the world who “made the shift”.
“From New age Jesus” is a group of people that completely dropped their identity and Life in the “New Age” and turned to Jesus as “The Only Way” and “The Only Truth”. Often with the conviction that every other way of thinking or believing is from the Devil.
I have been fascinated by the movement and intrigued by what is happening. Especially because some of them are direct or indirect friends.
I’ve been seeing conversations in which “Born Again Christians” speak about “New Age People” and “New Age people” having conversations about “Born Again Christians”.
I felt it was time to have a conversation “with each other” instead of “about each other” and decided to invite Imaya Sabine as a guest for the podcast.
Imaya has been Born Again into Christianity and completely left behind her “Old Life” as a Feminine Embodiment mentor, Serpentine dance teacher and fanatic ecstatic dancer.
Jesus is the only way, is what she practices and shares about now.
I have a lot of questions I want to ask her about what she believes and why and in this episode I am going to. Many of the questions that you sent such as the ones listed below will be included in this episode as well.
Can you describe god?
What is the devil & hell?
Do you believe I go to hell?
And what about people from other religions & traditions?
Do only Christians go to heaven?
What about the women and the divine feminine, everything seems to revolve around He and The Father.
If you want to know more about Imaya’s testimony, you can find it here.
And if you are curious about finding out more about imaya's work, check out this website.