#68 - From A Decade of 1k Months to My First 6 Figure Year with Linde

6 figure year money soul based business Nov 12, 2023






In this week's podcast episode, I sat down with Linde Jelena, a breath coach, self-love coach, and ice bath trainer. Linde has taught over 3,000 people deep breathing techniques, swimming in ice water, and self-love. Through her work, she guides people toward a relaxed, powerful, and happy life. She has grown from making 1,000 euros a month for 10 years to achieving her first six-figure year.


During our conversation, Linde talked about the decisions she made that helped her achieve it. She was in one of my Masterclasses a year and a half ago, and it opened her to the inspiration that then allowed her to hit 6 figures. Her work with the elements also made her stronger as a human being and as an entrepreneur. It taught her to become comfortable with discomfort, to listen to the voice of her intuition, and to believe that her work is worth paying money for.


I'm super excited to share our conversation about her beautiful journey and the beautiful growth she has experienced. I hope that hearing how she has done it inspires you to believe in yourself and that it's possible for you to grow your business in this way, too. Let’s dive in!



Instagram: www.instagram.com/lindejelena__

Website: www.lindejelena.com 


Nicole has 2 spots open to work 1-1 for 6 months.

For these 2 spots specifically there’s an opportunity to spread the mentorship out over a whole year with integration months in between. 3 out of 4 women she mentored last year hit their first 6 and first multiple 6 figure year. They went through an amazing growth inside themselves and their leadership, built their teams, structured their businesses, while staying connected to their joy and authenticity.

Here are some things Nicole mentors women on 1-1:

Build your team and work together from flow, Automise parts of your business, Work from ease & authenticity in all the growth your business goes through, Shift from being a solopreneur to becoming the CEO of your company while staying connected to the Soul of your Business and the heart of your mission, learn to manage your money and much more.

Nicole only works with 4 women privately at a time, so you have all her attention and care. Fill out the form and apply now for the 1-1. After applying Nicole will go through a short discovery call together first. To make sure you are a good match to work together. Apply to work 1-1 with Nicole here!






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