Care but don't Carry
Jul 29, 2022
Taking too much responsibility for things and people has been one of my main themes to work with in Life.
It was easy to take on a bit more than just my own because I had more than enough power. 🥴 The Strong Independent in me was a warrior that thought she could do it all and then some more 💪🏾.
Taking too much responsibility is a form of avoiding your own pain.
The shadow of the strong independent woman is like that of an armed warrior, protecting the little and vulnerable girl inside. You see.. after years of working this topic, I find that taking too much responsibility is a form of avoiding your own pain and grief. For example I would take on responsibility from loved ones so I wouldn't have to feel the grief I would feel would I fully accept their situation and Life. I would take it all on so I wouldn't have to feel myself. I would do it all so I wouldn't have to be vulnerable. A safe space to hide in the strong armour.
Over time I've become sooooo much better at staying in care and not start carrying.
Looking back I see these 3 signs as an invitation to STOP, TAKE A BREATH AND LOOK WITHIN.
❌ 1 => You feel your energy draining and your body tensing.
In other words you are taking too much responsibility.
❌ 2 => Some part of you does not fully trust that the other is also guided by their Higher Self.
In other words, you are making them smaller.
❌ 3 => You lean out of yourself and too much towards the other.
In other words you are crossing your own boundaries.
❤️ 1 => Explore where you are invited to communicate a NO more clearly and communicate it.
❤️ 2 =>Trust that the other is also guided by their Higher Self and that something deeper has got their back. So you can let go!
❤️ 3 => Lean back into yourself by asking yourself: "What feels most nourishing to me right now?"
Nourishment relaxes the body and brings you back to self connection and receptivity.
3 questions for introspection on taking too much responsibility
1. Do you recognize any of these pointers above? Or do you have different ones?
2. How do you know when you are caring and when you are carrying for someone?
3. And when you are carrying, how do you guide yourself back to care?
May you find yourself in deep nourishing care from overflow and let go of any need to carry that which is not yours to carry.