#04 Breaking Free from What Others Think

authenticity freedom soul based business soul leadership Feb 09, 2021

We can receive 100 likes and 1 dislike. This 1 dislike might have much more impact than the 100 likes. As we allow our soul's purpose and messages to unfold, not everyone will be aligned with our message, some will even actively express dislike.

Moving our work onto the online spheres, many possibilities are opening up for the soul-based entrepreneur. It will also invites us is into a new level of vulnerability.

In this potent interview with Gretta from Leef Bewust NL & Satori Retreats, we talk about how we can stabilise ourselves in our mission and not let ourselves wobble in and out of it when dislikes come our way.



00:48 - Introduction
02:16 - The start of Gretta’s journey
04:09 - Going from Freelance to empassioned entrepreneur
07:22 - The soul-strategy vs. the business
08:10 - Expansion Insecurities
12:09 - 100 likes, 1 dislike
13:17 - Researching your own triggers
16:21 - Compassion towards hate
19:12 - Who do you take advice from?
21:12 - People project
21:58 - Process of stabilizing the purpose
25:04 - Practical strategy or fulfillment
27:20 - Asking the right questions
28:59 - Back yourself up
30:10 - Learning to receive abundance
33:40 - Authenticity is always right
35:40 - Receiving without holding
39:03 - Applying the pearls to the global situation
42:19 - Get in touch with Gretta’s work

Gretta Adriana Martina is a visionair, holistic health expert, mentor for conscious entrepeneurs and the founder of Leef Bewust Lifestyle®, She carries a great passion for the free entrepeneur, self-realisation and consciousness development. Driven by the conviction that every single one of us has the potential for greatness and the experience of unity.

https://www.instagram.com/nomadgretta/ https://www.instagram.com/leefbewustnu/




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