#47 Kundalini Awakening - The Gifts & Horrors

kundalini awakening mysticism selfcare serpentine energy May 14, 2023




Would you believe that my journey towards Kundalini Awakening began with a sneeze? Back in 2014 I had a sneeze that caused me to have a herniated disc. It was so bad that the doctors said that I would need surgery. Thankfully, they gave me the chance to heal my herniated disc on my own which led me to the journey of completely re-defining who I am. Looking back, I can see that for quite a while before that sneeze, the kundalini energy wanted to awaken in my body. It had been under a huge amount of inner resistance. The moment I sneezed, I realized that while it got dislocated in my spine, it also opened me up to the incredible primordial force of Life.


This week, I will be sharing with you about my journey towards Kundalini awakening and my journey since the awakening. I want to share my experience with you so that you might find some comfort, recognition, safety or inspiration through my story. I hope that this episode will serve as a form of education and information about Kundalini awakening, because when I experienced this seven years ago, I didn't seem to find the information that could really support me.


May this episode be a support I was searching for back then.

Read more about Kundalini Symptoms in this Lonerwolf article


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