#46 5 Gateways Into More Money & Wealth

money soul based business soul leadership May 07, 2023



My money story started with me not knowing much about money at all. I did not know about saving, investing, and I also did not know how to properly charge for my offers. Stepping into my own business and showing up with the things that I believe in was very scary for me because of how I have connected money with survival. Eventually, I was able to heal my relationship with money and it led me to growing my business by 42 times. 


This week, I will be sharing with you the 5 gateways into more money and wealth. During those years of growing my business by 42 times, these were the 5 things that led me to the biggest openings that I made into welcoming more money. And as I’m teaching this work in my mastermind and in my courses, these are the 5 things that help women the most when it comes to welcoming more money.


I would love for you to experience an abundant relationship with money and wealth, too. 


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