Mystic Medium 

Early Bonus Start September 2024
14 months instead of 12!!!

Year-training into the Mystic Arts for your personal & professional Life. 
Mediumship - Psychic Readings - Dreams - Rituals - Ceremony.

🪄 Find a deep trust in your intuition.
🪄  Train & develop the potential of your Mediumship & Psychic Readings .
🪄 Transmute (over-)sensitivity into your Superpower and no longer feel doubt, fear or overwhelm by the emotions & energies you pick up on.
🪄 Anchor into an unshakable confidence in the messages you receive. 
🪄 Learn to give professional psychic readings to your (future) clients.  
🪄 Learn to give readings with loved ones in spirit. 
🪄 Cultivate a deep connection with the spirit world and discover a world of unconditional love & support.
🪄 Learn rituals & Ceremonies for deep transformation for yourself & others. 
🪄 Learn to translate the hidden messages in (your) dreams
🪄 Train and consciously use your psychic senses;
CLAIRVOYANCE (psychic seeing),
CLAIRAUDIENCE (psychic hearing),
CLAIRSENTIENCE (psychic feeling),
CLAIRCOGNIZANCE (psychic knowing),
CLAIRGUSTANCE (psychic tasting),
CLAIRALIENCE (psychic smelling). 
So you can master the language that energy speaks.
🪄 Weave your intuitive gifts into your work as a coach, bodyworker, healer, writer, singer, dancer, soul-based leader or facilitator. So your intuitive potential can truly be of service to the world.  
* No previous experience is needed for this year training. Everyone can develop this.

This is for the highly sensitive woman who knows there lies a deep intuitive gift inside of her.

A gift that wants to be
crystallised and shared fully in
her personal & professional life. 


Are you...


🖤 Doubting your own intuition or simply feel it has so much more potential
🖤 Do you want to bring more of your intuitive gifts & mystic arts into your profession? 
🖤 Can you feel overwhelmed by all the energies & emotions that you pick up on?
🖤 Do you want to be able to offer professional psychic readings to your (future) clients?
🖤 Excited to learn rituals & ceremonies that create deep transformation in your personal & professional life?
🖤 Can you doubt between what is real intuition & what is fantasy
🖤 Do you feel fear & doubt for the spirit world?
🖤 Wanting to develop your psychic abilities?
🖤 Did your intuition let you down before and do you find it hard to fully embrace it now? 
🖤 Were you rejected, ridiculed or shamed for your intuitive gifts and feel it's time to reclaim them? 
🖤 Are you worried to say something wrong and therefore not fully express your intuition, yet you feel there is so much potential in it?
🖤 Do you feel the longing to develop & include your intuitive gifts more in your personal & professional life? 


If you answered any of the above with "YES" then, keep reading because..


This year training is for you if you...

🖤 Want to stop doubting your intuition and find deep clarity and trust in what you sense.
🖤 Want to leave behind the burden of over- sensitivity and transmute your high sensitivity it into your superpower
🖤 Feel it's time to become more visible with your intuitive gifts & mysticism in your life & work.
🖤 Are a coach, body worker, facilitator, creative, soul-based leader or entrepreneur and want to weave your intuitive gifts & mystic arts into your work
🖤 Want to cultivate a deep and fearless connection with the spirit world
🖤 Would love to learn rituals & ceremonies that create deep transformation. 
🖤 Learn how to make ritual herbal baths, intention oils & candle magic
🖤 Learn to decipher the hidden messages in your dreams at night.
🖤 Want to massively upgrade, crystallise and consciously use your psychic abilities, psychic readings, mediumship

What students say about training their Intuitive Gifts, Psychic Abilities & Mysticism with Nicole

Angelica Ancelorum

What a beautiful journey this training.
So much love, clarity, protection and trust came my way. I can say that I found my passion that I can turn into purpose, combining it with my visionary art. I'm already curious about the magic that wants to unfold. Thank you so much Nicole for your generosity, loving and playful energy and teachings.

Aparna Vemula

I love the way Nicole holds space and delivers the teaching in a kind, grounded manner. It helped me build my self-confidence, fine- tune my intuitive skills as well as help me deepen my connection to the Spirit realm. I feel more trustful of my own abilities and it has offered me a new direction to proceed further within my own business. I highly recommend the training!

Gosia Pliszczynska

The training brought me more than I've expected. What in the beginning felt like vague reading exercises (due to not fully knowing the subject) transformed into excited readings with unexpected/hard to believe results. My self-trust made a high jump with olympic records. The hidden became unhidden on personal and professional level. It's been a life changing experience - thank you so much Nicole!

The time has come to...

Let go of doubt, fear & overwhelm


Open into the magic and wonder of your intuitive gifts.


Am I making this up?

A question I must have asked myself at least a thousand times. 

My name is Nicole Nyima Costerus and I started my journey SUPER SCEPTICAL TOWARDS MY OWN INTUITION - I doubted my intuition soooooo much

I was scared for the seen & unseen things I was sensing
As a child I would jump into my bed because I was afraid someone would grab me from underneath the bed. I would feel presences behind me when I was in the bathroom or walking down the street at night. I would wake up sweating with fear in the middle of the night with a sense of spirits beside my bed. 

I felt overwhelmed by all the information that came in
When I would visit a second hand store or a busy place I would feel exhausted from all the energies. I would feel exactly what was going on emotionally with others. 

I thought I was making it all up.
I was so sceptical towards my own intuition. 

I had no idea where to start and how to trust more in the immense sensitivity that lived inside of me.

This completely changed....

In 2012, I went through a deep study and training of 3 years in the English Evidential Mediumship modality. I've been studying deeply with temple work and indigenous traditions from South America. This year I have been initiated as a priestess in a 2 month initiation process in Benin, West Africa.

I have been teaching mediumship, psychic & mystic arts for the last 10 years. 

Today I can say that:

🖤 I'm anchored in a deep trust in my intuition. 

🖤 I've supported thousands of women to establish a deep connection to their intuitive gifts, psychic abilities, mediumship, ritual & mysticism.

🖤 I feel a deep connection with the  the spirit world and work together with them on a daily basis.

🖤 Through the crystal clear connection with my intuition I now live a deeply aligned & abundant life; location independent with lots of travelling, a deeply fulfilling relationship and a highly aligned multiple 6 figure business.

🖤I've facilitated countless beautiful people into a connection with their loved ones in spirit & spirit guides, both in 1-1 readings as well as working for (big) groups. So they could find confirmation, guidance, peace, completion or forgiveness in their relationship with them. 

🖤 I enjoy my high sensitivity as a gift an no longer a burden and live & share it in my personal & professional life. 


What Nicole's colleagues & teacher say about her & her work

Sumir Brown

"Nicole is a powerful female leader who wields her feminine intuition in service to the women in her care. I have had the blessing to witness Nicole in many ranges, and she is the real deal. She is fierce & gentle, courageous & humble, teacher & student, curious & wise. She is the leader the world is craving. May her work reach across the globe. Ase and Amen!"

Zola Dubnikova

Nicole’s intuition and presence is deep as the ocean. She is a powerful yet gentle woman who walks between the worlds, whose eyes shine with the brightness of the sun. Resting under the blanket of her wisdom and kindness, doors of the soul open.

Jose Gosschalk


In 2012 Nicole started to develop her mediumship with us and from day 1 "I knew, I saw" that she was born for mediumship. The love she has for both the spirit world as well as her clients is huge. Her passion to serve, always present. 


What if all those things that you have experienced in the past as (over-)sensitivity would now become your superpower?

What if you would be so confident in your intuitive gifts that you would live, share and vibrate them into the world, into your life, work, mission & (future) business?


In this year training you will remember that
You don't have Intuition,
You Are Intuition


This year training facilitates a space to

Find a deep trust in your intuition

Transmute (over-)sensitivity into your Superpower and stop feeling doubt, fear & overwhelmed by the energies and emotions you pick up on.

Weave your intuitive gifts & mysticism into your personal & professional life

Cultivate a deep connection to the etheric & spirit world

Learn to master the language of energy

Learn to offer professional psychic readings, rituals & ceremonies

Transmute your (over-) sensitivity into your Superpower, so you no longer feel doubt, fear or overwhelmed by the energies & emotions you pick up on. 

And weave your intuitive gifts into your personal & professional life, so your intuitive potential can truly be of service to the world. 



The 10 types of readings you'll study & practice in this year training program.

🔮 Psychic reading - Energy reading of alive people ->
Essence Reading, Soul Mission Reading, Bodyscan, general energy reading and more. 
🔮 Psychometry - Readings people's energy through photo's & objects
🔮 Auragraphs - Creating intuitive aura drawings and reading them for your clients 
🔮 Card readings - Psychic readings with support of oracle & tarot cards.
🔮 Animal, children & baby readings.
🔮 Mediumship readings - Readings with loved ones in spirit
🔮 Spirit Guides - Working & healing with your spirit guide team.
🔮 Trance & Altered states - Receiving messages through receptivity, surrender & being present.
🔮 Channeling - Guidance through automatic writing
🔮 Dream Reading - Reading the hidden messages in (your) dreams 


You will also learn:

🪄 Rituals & Ceremonies for deep transformation for personal & professional Life.
🪄 To make Ritual Herbal Baths & basic Herbalism for 11 powerful ritual herbs & flowers.
🪄To make your own Intention Oils & Candle Magic.
🪄 Ritual facilitation for your (future) clients, community & children.



These are our 10 modules together:

Module I - Reading Fundamentals 
Learn all the basics for giving a good reading
Module II - Dream Oracle 
Discover the hidden messages in (your) Dreams at night + Ancient practice of 13 Holy Nights of Dreaming (prophetic dreams for 2025)
Module III - Psychic Reading 1 
Transmute oversensitivity into clarity
Module IV - Psychic Reading 2 
Deepen your psychic senses and cultivate unwavering confidence in your intuition.
Module V - Mediumship 1 - Working with the spirit world
Release your doubt or fear and open into a deep trust.
Module VI - Trance, Altered States & Spirit Guides
Learn to surrender in deep connection with Spirit - with Rosita Belkadi
Module VII - Channeling - Discover the Power of automatic writing & energetic clearing
with Elise Brathwaite
Module VIII  - Mediumship 2 - Mediumship Group Demo & Mediumship Readings
Experience powerful messages from the spirit world 
Module IX - Rites of Passage, Ritual & Ceremony 
Your personal initiation journey to undergo rituals & ceremonies for deep transformation.
Module X - Ritual facilitation
Learn to facilitate rituals & ceremonies to your (future) clients, community & children. 

Meet the guest teachers

We have an incredible team of guest teachers with each decades of experience in their field of work.

Rosita Belkadi (NL)

Rosita is a Trance & Evidential Mediumship expert, based in the Netherlands. She has been developing mediumship for 25 years and teaching for 17 years. The module she offers is around trance & altered states and experiencing a deep connection with your loved ones from spirit & spirit guides. 

She offers a space to connect with the spirits from a place of being, rather than doing, forcing or pushing. 

Rosita is teaching Module VI 
Trance, Altered States & Spirit Guides
Learn to surrender in deep connection with Spirit

Elise Brathwaite (CA)

Elise is an Oracle Soul Mama, Channel, Speaker and Group Facilitator, based in Canada. She will offer the module around channeling and discovering the power of automatic writing.

Elise her teachings are in the field of Channeling and Ancestral & Past Life Clearing. You will experience one of her unique clearings during her teaching day. 

Elise is teaching Module VII
Discover the power of automatic writing & energetic clearing.

Mystery An'aha (DE)

Mystery is an initiated healer, medicine woman and wisdom carrier of womb shamanism. She guides into ancestral healing, purpose and unity consciousness. 

Mystery guides people in traditional Plant Medicine Diets with her Maestro in the Peruvian Jungle or on her land in Spain. 

She offers a space for deepening communication with nature & plant spirits. 

Mystery is a guest teacher in Module IX
Rites of Passage, Ritual & Ceremony
Your personal initiation journey to undergo rituals & ceremonies for deep transformation.


Become a professional in the Mystic Arts.


More students and their experience of training Intuitive Gift, Psychic Abilities & Mysticism with Nicole

Nikki Whitehead

This training has been so profound and beautiful. I went through big themes of trusting myself, believing in myself, allowing myself to play and loving myself when I make mistakes. This training was a beautiful gift I gave myself. I was able to improve and practice my psychic abilities in a safe container with loving Nicole as my guidance!

Amy Jean Carter

For all women out there who are interested in using your intuitive and psychic gifts to aide yourself, and others, in healing and transformation, I highly recommend Nicole's programs. It will help you step in to your gifts and abilities more powerfully, and be able to apply them with your clients. It has helped me take the next steps in building my on-line business and trusting my own intuition in all my life decisions along the way. Much love :)

Jade Zoe

I have to finish this by praising and giving thanks to Nicole for creating a safe space for us all, for building a beautifully structured container to play, experiment, discover and practice in. For her open, sparkly and calming energy and her enthusiasm with which we she roots for each one of us. For the kind of no-nonsense style of teaching, allowing us to really learn to lean on and trust our own way of Being (sensing, receiving, reading etc), rather than following or imitating someone or something else outside of ourselves. And of course for the Love that she radiates!

You will be offered a deep study into the power of psychic readings, mediumship, dreams, rituals & ceremony.

So you can share your Intuitive Gifts with the world. 

What is mostly in the way between you and the gifts of your intuition is your own scepticism, distrust,  misunderstanding or under-education with it.

no worries!!

Your intuitive gifts are like a muscle that can be trained and developed. 

Everyone can do this!


Mystic Medium Curriculum

The curriculum will show you in detail what we will touch upon during our year together.

Module I - Reading Fundamentals - Relax your being and learn all the basics for giving a good reading

In this module you'll:
- Learn the Fundamentals of your psychic abilities & reading energy.

- Recognise how intuitive information comes into your awareness and turn surprises and overwhelm into consciousness and clarity. 

- Develop your psychic senses; Clairvoyance (psychic seeing),
Clairsentience (psychic sensing),
Clairaudience (psychic hearing),
Claircognizance (psychic knowing),
Clairgustance (psychic tasting),
Clairalience (psychic smelling). 

- Learn to read energy and give a reading to your client.

- Learn to decipher and translate information that your intuition is picking up on, so you can turn this information into a gift for yourself and others. 

- Learn to stop doubting your intuition and anchor yourself in an unwavering trust. 

Module II - Dream Oracle - The hidden messages in your Dreams

In this module you'll:
- Learn a simple yet powerful way to deepen your connection to your dreams.

- Tap into conscious dreaming, so it can become a tool & guide to grow and develop.

- Receive a guidebook to decipher the hidden messages in your dreams. 

- Learn how to work with others and the messages in their dreams. 

- Go through 13 Holy Nights of Dreaming and connect to prophetic dreams for the new year. 


Module III - Psychic Reading 1 - Transmute oversensitivity into clarity

In this module you'll:
- Learn how to clearly and consciously connect with the energy of your client. 

- Learn to read the energy of your client through a photo or an object.
- Set the right context  & environment for yourself, so you can flow through a reading with joy & ease.

- Discover ways to stop feeling drained and overwhelmed in daily life, sessions, groups and other situations.

- Release any misconceptions about your psychic abilities & discover the gifts.  

- Learn to share with your client what you intuitively sense in them in an ethical, clear and precise way.

- Learn how to work with questions your client has.

- Discover the difference between what a client wants and what they need. 

- Learn the things to DO & NOT DO in a reading.

Module IV - Psychic Reading 2 - Deepen your psychic senses and cultivate unwavering confidence in your intuition

In this module you'll:
- Learn to Master the language of energy, because energy speaks a language that you can learn to understand and speak.

- Discover the depth of Psychic Readings by reading someone's energy and offer powerful & supportive information to your client. 

- Do energy reading through working with colours in someone's energy and learn the meaning of each colour.
- Effortlessly feel supportive messages for your client.

- Work with Symbols & Signs in your readings.

- Create Psychic Art (Auragraphs) and use this art as a tool in your readings.

- Learn to work with intuitively with oracle cards as a tool in your readings for clients. 

- Reading someone's Essence, so you can help your client feel who they really are at their core. 

Module V - Mediumship 1 - Working with the spirit world, release your fear and open into a deep trust

In this module you'll:
- Learn how to go into a deep connection with the Spirit world, loved ones in spirit and spirit guides from you and your client. 

- Shift accidental and spontaneous connections to a more conscious decision & collaboration with the spirits. 

- Discover the difference between Loved ones in spirit, spirit guides and archetypes.

- Find out where the spirits live, if you should let the them rest in peace and what they are doing all day long.

- Discover the truth about reincarnation & "we are all one".

- Learn how to transmute fear of the spirits into excitement, deep connection and love.

- Find out what heavy negative entities and “evil" energies show us and discover the the invitation they hold for us.

- Meet your spirit guides & loved ones in spirit that are always there to support you. 

- Discover the best energetic protection you can give yourself.


Module VI - Mediumship 2 - Mediumship Demo & readings - Experience powerful messages from the Spirit World

In this module you'll:
- Experience a mediumship group demonstration from Nicole.

- Discover the power of Mediumship Readings and welcome the spirit world into your Life and work. 

- Learn how souls in spirit communicate with you.
- Learn how to make contact with a loved one in spirit for a client.

Module VII - Trance, Altered States & Spirit Guides - Learn to trust & surrender in deep connection with Spirit - with Rosita Belkadi

In this module you'll:
- Learn about trance & altered states in mediumship.

- Discover how to truly surrender the mind and sink into the deeper states of relaxation and receptivity.

- Cultivate a deeper connection and trust with the spirit world.

- Experience mediumship from a state of being instead of doing, wanting or forcing. 

- Connect deeply with your spirit guides and their unconditional love & support for you. 

Module VIII - Channeling - Discover the Power of automatic writing with Elise Brathwaite

In this module you'll:
- Clear any personal, ancestral or collective blockages you have around fully embracing your mediumship & channelling capacities. So you feel safe in your mediumship and it can flow from ease.

- Experience a deep connection to your Power & Truth.

- Meet your Power Animal and learn to work with it.

- Learn channeling through automatic writing. 

Module IX - Ancient Ritual & Rites of Passage - Your initiation

In this module you'll:
Learn to use Ritual & Ceremony during important transitions in your life, so you no longer feel unaware or overwhelmed by the changes that happen in your life.

- Discover how to combine Ancient Rituals, that are carried in tradition, together with the power of your own intuitive guidance & wisdom. 

- Bring Awareness, Devotion and Sacredness to the transformations that are happening in your Life, so you can be more at peace with the transitions that are happening in your life.  

- Learn to create your own ritual baths, intention oils & candle magic.

- Truly let go of an old version of yourself, so you can get out of your own way.

- Stay in trust, when you experience uncertainty, so you can navigate the Unknown better.

- Make space for the New, so you can truly Rebirth yourself.


Module X - Ritual Facilitation

In this module you'll:
- Implement the power of Ritual in your Professional Life, so you can your (future) clients, community, friends & children.
Bring back the ancient wisdom of  Rituals & ceremonies in a world that has lost connection to it, so you can create a shift from individualised culture to community culture. So you can shift from doing it all by yourself to growing together in community. 
- Learn to facilitate ritual to your (future) clients, community, friends & children. 

Some more about me..

As a child I would come home from school, psychically knowing what we would have for dinner. I could clairvoyantly see and completely describe the house we would move into years later. I've had a crystal clear intuition and a deep connection to the unseen realms since early childhood.

To deepen my gift I've been diving into this work intensively for the last 20 years. I've been trained intensively in the English evidence based mediumship, the feminine mysteries and temple work & indigenous traditions. 

I've travelled the world receiving deep initiations into the power of intuition amongst which spending a total of 26 days and nights in complete darkness in Mexico, studying with the spirit doctors in the casa of John of God in Brazil and Living in the Amazonian Jungle in dieta with the Yawanawa tribe and being initiated as a priestess in Benin, West Africa.

I now offer retreats, online programs, temples, masterminds and 1-1 mentorships into Soul Based leadership and the mysteries of Purpose, Power, Ritual & Intuition.  

I Look forward to journey together with you in this year of Magic & Mysticism.

Much love, 

Nicole Nyima

This year opens 2 groups 
Online & In Person in the Netherlands


Twice a month on Thursday evenings 7-9:30PM CET (Amsterdam, Berlin, Paris time)

Once a month on Saturdays 10AM-4PM CET (Amsterdam, Berlin, Paris time)



The training starts in September 2024 

So with this special offer you will have 14 instead of 12 months training



*No previous experience is needed for this year training.
Everyone can develop this. 


Price is an early bird discount excl. 21% VAT for clients in NL and Private clients in EU. 

Online Group ...................


Pay in Full and save €170

🪄 Bonus 1
€503 discount
Normal Price €2500

🪄 Bonus 2
Introduction into Mediumship 25-26 Sept. (Value €222)

🪄 Bonus 3
Agua da Florida Ceremony

26 Oct. (Value €147)

🪄 Start year modules 12 November 2024
20 Thursdays 7PM-9:30PM CET (50 hours)

🪄 4 Bonus online programs (Value €1135)
*How to Protect & Cleanse your Energy

* Rites of Passage
* You Are Intuition Training Bundle
* Dream Oracle

🪄 Certification process (Value €597)

🪄 Lifetime access to online school
with teachings, practices, guided rituals & ceremonies. 

🪄 Online community space 


Online Group ...................


11 Monthly Payments

🪄 Bonus 1
11 x €53 discount

Normal Price 11 x  €250

🪄 Bonus 2
Introduction into Mediumship 25-26 Sept. (Value €222)

🪄 Bonus 3
Agua da Florida Ceremony

26 Oct. (Value €147)

🪄 Start year modules 12 November 2024
20 Thursdays 7PM-9:30PM CET (50 hours)

🪄 4 Bonus online programs (Value €1135)
*How to Protect & Cleanse your Energy

* Rites of Passage
* You Are Intuition Training Bundle
* Dream Oracle

🪄 Certification process (Value €597)

🪄 Lifetime access to online school
with teachings, practices, guided rituals & ceremonies. 

🪄 Online community space 


In Person Group Vinkeveen, NL


Pay in Full and save €220

🪄 Bonus 1
€503 discount
Normal Price €3000

🪄 Bonus 2
Introduction into Mediumship 29 Sept. (Value €222)

🪄 Bonus 3
Agua da Florida Ceremony
26 Oct. (Value €147)

🪄 Start year modules 9 November 2024
10 Saturdays 10AM-4PM CET (50 hours)

🪄 4 Bonus online programs (Value €1135)
*How to Protect & Cleanse your Energy

* Rites of Passage
* You Are Intuition Training Bundle
Dream Oracle

🪄 Certification process (Value €597)

🪄 Lifetime access to online school
with teachings, practices, guided rituals & ceremonies. 

🪄 Online community space 

🪄 Including organic lunch, tea, water & snacks on all training days 
(except 26 October - this is a morning ceremony) Value €350


In Person Group Vinkeveen, NL


11 Monthly Payments

🪄 Bonus 1
11 x €53 discount
Normal Price  11 x €300

🪄 Bonus 2
Introduction into Mediumship 29 Sept. (Value €222)

🪄 Bonus 3
Agua da Florida Ceremony
26 Oct. (Value €147)

🪄 Start year modules 9 November 2024
10 Saturdays 10AM-4PM CET (50 hours)

🪄 4 Bonus online programs (Value €1135)
*How to Protect & Cleanse your Energy

* Rites of Passage
* You Are Intuition Training Bundle
Dream Oracle

🪄 Certification process (Value €597)

🪄 Lifetime access to online school
with teachings, practices, guided rituals & ceremonies. 

🪄 Online community space 

🪄 Including organic lunch, tea, water & snacks on all training days
(except 26 October - this is a morning ceremony) Value €350 


Would you like a moment of connection with Nicole before signing up?

You can book a 15 minute Discovery call


Check out the location of the in person in Vinkeveen, Netherlands group

Let me share more with you about the bonuses!

You receive access to the following 5 bonuses as part of the year-training.


Bonus I - Introduction into Mediumship & Psychic abilities (Value €222)

This introduction offers a beautiful exploration into the Mystic Art of mediumship, psychic abilities & psychic readings. The intro supports you getting familiar or re-connecting with your intuitive gifts. These gifts are a natural part of who you are and waiting for you to uncover them or reconnect deeper with them. 

25/26 Sept online on zoom 7-9:30PM CET
29 Sept in person in Vinkeveen 10AM-4PM CET



Bonus II - Create your own Agua da Florida (Value €147) 

An ancient traditional Peruvian Ceremony to create your own Spirit Water

This ceremony is from ancient Peru and only allowed to be passed on from woman to woman. Hazel Evans guides you step by step in this beautiful, powerful and potent ceremony to create your own sacred cleansing water made from flowers, roots, plants, alcohol and prayer. 

26 October 2024 - 10AM-1PM CET online & in person 


Bonus III - How to Protect & Cleanse your energy (Value €97)

A new Aquarian Age Approach to taking care of your energy & Sensitivity

In these times of big global change and awakening many of us experience waves of intensity, anxiety, grief and frustration. On top of that we are becoming more and more open & transparent as humans as we shift into the age of Aquarius and enter into a new sensitivity.

This new sensitivity can have you feel uncentered, scared, overwhelmed or insecure.

In this transmission Nicole offers a set of practical and easy to implement ways to protect & cleanse your energy in a new refreshing way that aligns with these times of Death & Rebirth and honor the new ways of the Aquarian Age. 

Bonus IV - You Are Intuition Training Bundle (Value €297)

Start your psychic abilities journey already now with these 4 self-paced trainings to discover your psychic abilities through energy reading & healing. 

Training 1
An evening with your loved one in spirit

Training 2

Reading energy through a photo in 5 steps -> Psychometry

Training 3

Reading animals, children & babies.

Training 4
Meet your spirit guides and learn to give and receive energy healing with your spirit guide team. 


Bonus V - Dream Oracle (Value €147) + 13 Holy nights of dreaming 

Discover the hidden messages in your dreams at night. 

This training teaches you how to work with your dreams at night and extract the hidden messages in them for yourself and others. 

This training will be accompanied by the ancient practice -> "13 holy nights of dreaming" at the end of 2024. During these 13 nights we will translate our dreams as prophesies for the new year 2025. Each night representing a month of 2025. 

Bonus V - Rites of Passage 4 week initiation into ritual & ceremony (Value €594)

During the summer break of the year training you go through a self initiation into rituals and ceremonies for deep transformation in your personal & professional life. This self initiation is a preparation for our ritual months together in September & October 2025. 

Bonus VI - Certification Process (Value €597)

You have the option to go through a certification process. This process consists of a theory test, a video of you offering a psychic reading and feedback on 2 custom designed and offered rituals. After this process you receive a certificate for the year training Mystic Medium.  

Join Nicole and a group of inspiring women
in this comprehensive year-training into the Mystic Arts
for your personal & professional life. 

Yes to this yeartraining


This training is open for all women who want to connect deeper to the power of their Intuition & Mysticism for their personal and/or professional life.

You do not need any experience with psychic readings, mediumship or rituals. 

If you feel unsure about your ability to develop your psychic abilities and intuitive gifts -> no worries. In all the years I've been teaching mediumship & mysticism (since 2014), I've never met anyone who was unable to develop their intuitive gifts. 




*If you identify as other than she/her and you are ok with the meditations and practices having a language with a focus towards women, you are welcome to explore wether this program can be of support for you. Women of Ancient Futures is a company that focuses her work on women, yet doesn't mean to be exclusive of other genders. If you want to explore wether this program is for you, feel free to send an email to [email protected]



In all the years that I am offering this work (since 2014) I've never had anyone that could not develop.

Sure there are differences in where someone is now or where someone will develop towards, but we ALL have a deep intuitive nature that we can surrender into.

It's simply a natural part of who we are. You are most welcome to come and experience this for yourself. 

Yes, this is a mixed level group. Some women are new with this and others have been training with me or other teachers before. I have been training & developing my mediumship since 2012 and teaching since 2014 in the evidential mediumship modality.

A modality that teaches an incredible precise and powerful way of reading energy. If you are not from this modality then this program can definitely support your development as a psychic or medium. 

***If you are from the English evidential mediumship modality and you feel a pull to this program, then please contact me to explore if and how this program can support you. 

The Rituals & Ceremonies in this year training are Ancient Rituals & Ceremonies from a variety of Indigenous & Ancestral traditions;
Asian, North American, Central American, South American and West African. 

The difference between a ritual and an ancient ritual is the lineage of wisdom that is behind it for often centuries and centuries of time. Therefore ancient rituals hold a very strong power, as their field has been building and strengthening for such a long time. 

Nicole teaches the ancient rituals & ceremonies with space to weave in your own intuition. This is the essence of what Women of Ancient Futures stand for -> Ancient Wisdom woven together with your intuitive wisdom of today, so we can create new Futures. 

There is a strong recommendation to be present at as much of the trainings as possible, because the trainings offer the space to practice with each other. 

If you cannot join a training, no worries. Online calls will be recorded and the replays will be available in the online community space the next day. 

You can also find yourself a practice buddy in the community space and practice the practices of that training together. 

Besides the monthly trainings, I recommend to reserve around 1-2 hours a week for practicing, transmissions and teachings. You can also practice more if you want. 

You have a lifetime access to the online school and can return to the transmissions and practices after our time together.  

The year training is rich in content and bonuses. We will release each bonus step by step throughout the year. Each bonus has a place and purpose in the year and a divine timing to be studied.

You will be granted access to:
"You Are Intuition Training Bundle" and "How to protect & cleanse your Energy", the moment you sign up. 

In September you go through the introduction into mediumship

In October you make your own Agua da Florida. 

In November you receive access to the Mystic Medium online school for the training modules.  

December we go into Dream Oracle & 13 Holy Nights of Dreaming.

In June 2025 you receive access to Rites of Passage.


Yes, There is a payment plan option available of 11 monthly payments of €197 for the online group and €247 for the in person group. This amount is excl. 21% VAT for clients in NL and private clients in EU. 

You have the option to go through a certification process. This process consists of a theory test, a video of you offering a psychic reading and feedback on a custom designed and offered ritual. After this process you receive a certificate for the year training Mystic Medium.  

* Nicole has to see you throughout the year on the trainings. If you do not show up to at least 80% of the trainings, you cannot join the certification process. 

There a re 2 groups for Mystic Medium 2024/2025. An online group and an in person group in Vinkeveen, Netherlands. 

Online Group Dates & Times

*All trainings will be held online on Zoom. 

25-26 September 2024 

Introduction into Mediumship with Nicole Costerus
7-9:30PM CET

26 October 2024
Agua da Florida Ceremony with Hazel Evans 

The year-training modules on 20 Thursday evenings 7-9:30PM CET (Amsterdam, Berlin, Paris Time)
7 & 21 November 2024
5 & 19 december 2024
9 & 23 January 2025
6 & 20 February 2025
6 & 20 March 2025
3 & 17 April 2025
1 & 15 May 2025
5 & 19 June 2025
11 & 25 September 2025
9 & 23 October 2025


In Person Group Dates, Times & Location

**All training Days will be held at
Zwier, Vrijhaven van de stad
Winkeldijk 20A, Vinkeveen

***All Days, Except 26 October '24, include a delicious organic lunch, tea, water and snacks. 

29 September 2024
Introduction into Mediumship with Nicole Costerus

26 October 2024
Agua da Florida Ceremony with Hazel Evans 

The year-training modules on 10 Saturdays 10AM-4PM CET (Amsterdam, Berlin, Paris Time)
9 November 2024
14 december 2024
11 January 2025
8 February 2025
8 March 2025
12 April 2025
10 May 2025
14 June 2025
13 September 2025
11 October 2025



NO, besides the price, location and lunch included for the in person group the trainings are the same. 

Same amount of hours 

Same curriculum

Same teachers


Yes, you can send in the invoice of this training to your accountant or bookkeeper and let them add it to the educational costs of your business. 


Send an email to [email protected]

We are happy to answer all your questions.


50% Complete

Two Step

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